We chalked around the US in 2019
Zach and Jessi had the honor to participate as featured artists in several renowned chalk art festivals around the country this year. Lachlan tagged along as well! Their year started out in Georgia at Chop Fest for the Atlanta Braves.
Chalk Highlights
We accomplished a lot this year!
- Jessi was featured at over 10 out of state chalk festivals.
- Performed user testing for the Seattle based market.
- Worked as the lead UX designer on two major projects.
- Led the restructuring of the Georgia Chalk Artists Guild as Executive Director
- Turned 30!
- Became Chief of Operations for the GA Chalk Artists Guild
- Was featured artist in Rhode Island
- Helped organize 12 chalk events!
- Entered the terrible two’s
- Started talking and being even more awesome.
- Said I love you.
Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!